About Me

Hey Ya'll! I have to say that since many bloggers out there would expect me to have a Southern accent. I do, of course, and I like to poke fun at myself on occasion. :D

My name is Crystal and I live in Tennessee with my husband of five years. We have a couple of fuzzy kids named Van Gogh and Isis. They are my sweet cats that make me smile on a daily basis. That is, when they are not driving me up the wall.:D As you can see, Van Gogh loves the camera. He is not shy.
Finally have a picture of Isis as well...see below. 

 My Pretty Princess Isis

Now, I recently stumbled across a great blog by Kelly called Brownies and Zucchini. and she has a great list of things she wants to accomplish within 1001 days. I too have always had "lists", in fact, I am the self proclaimed list queen. I would like to share a few of my goals and dreams and maybe add to it with your suggestions. Check out my Goals for A New Me page and feel free to comment. I am always looking for inspiration and new ideas!

Blessed Be....

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