I typically do not get "fooled" but today a co-worker got me. I "lent" him my car to jump his car battery and he told me "Something is wrong with your battery!It is not working!" I was worried then he smiled and said APRIL FOOLS! Ahhh I forgot today was April 1st.
So to everyone, be careful and watch those pranksters.
Tonight is date night with the husband and I am very excited. Melting Pot here we come! Cheese, chocolate and a very handsome husband. What more could a girl want? A clean house!
This weekend is Spring Cleaning time for the Lee's. Inside and Out. My house is not the cleanest, nor will it ever be, but I have to scrub. It is driving me batty. :) With a husband and two baby animals, I have my hands full. I know some of you Mommies out there just rolled your eyes! LOL! I hear you...I should not complain. I am blessed so I need to treat my house, family and myself in such a manner.
I wonder where my essential oils are that I ordered a few days ago? I need them to start cleaning. :) Blessed Be.
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