I really do enjoy pasta. Especially when it is super simple to throw together. :D Now this recipe isn't "low fat" so you need to watch portion size to keep the calories in check. I will try to experiment with more natural ingredients in the future to see how it turns out.
Creamy Chicken Spaghetti
1 box of spaghetti noodles or pasta of your choice
1 tub of Philadelphia Cooking Cream-I used Italian Herb
1 zucchini chopped into bite size pieces
1 small-medium onion, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup chicken or veggie stock
2 T olive oil
2 T butter (again, not low fat here but tasty!)
1 large can chicken, drained
In a large stock pot, bring water to boil for the pasta. Add pasta and a pinch of salt-boil for about 10 minutes. While pasta is cooking-in a large skillet, heat oil and butter until melted on medium/high heat. Add onion, peppers and zucchini for about 4-5 minutes or until onions are translucent. Add garlic and cook another 2 minutes. Add chicken and stock-cook for another 5 minutes.
Drain pasta and set aside.
In your large pan (if it is large enough-if not, mix together in your stock pot) add spaghetti noodles to chicken mixture and cook on low/medium heat for about 2 minutes. As the mixture continues to cook, add the cooking cream until well melted and mixed in pasta. Serve immediately.
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