Thursday, October 13, 2011

FoodBuzz Featured Publisher

I am very happy to say I am officially a FoodBuzz Featured Publisher. What is this you ask? I am apart of a blogger community that writes about food, reviews restaurants, etc. and I get to share my blog with others on I also get to participate in events, dinner parties (theme of my choice), and much more! I am very excited to get rolling. If you have not heard about FoodBuzz, please be sure to check them out and join the community! You do not have to host a blog in order to join. You can upload recipes and view recipes as well without creating a blog.

I will try and do better about posting recipes and pics soon. I have family coming into town Saturday and loads of school work this week so that has tied me up. Frozen pizzas, leftovers and quick dips have been our meals as of late. So not much cooking/baking going on in the Lee household. You should see something Sunday or Monday for sure. Thanks for following!

Coming Soon:
1. Thanksgiving Dinner Early (Ham with Pineapple/Cranberry Glaze, Vegetarian Dressing, Citrus Sweet Potato Casserole)
2. Cherry Creamscicle-My own take of "jello fluff" in a glass. Made with Rum, Amaretto, Grenadine, pineapple juice and whipped cream-of course a cherry on top :D
3. Autumn Wine-Red wine, apple cider, simple syrup with cinnamon and ginger, oranges and sliced apples
4. Restaurant Reviews-Paula Deen Buffet (Tunica); Rendezvous (Memphis)

Crystal :D


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